'Adat' Social Network


Assalamualaikum and Hye ! about 2 times i wrote and then i deleted it. so i hope this time taklah. macam semua tahu, social network ni kalau kita posted apa-2 orang akan dapat baca. jadi kita kenalah hormat orang lain. sebagai contoh kalau kita post something that will make people offends, mestilah orang akan marah. yes ! this happened to me. saya tengok memang ramai orang yang posted something tanpa mengambil kira apa org akan rasa terhadap post kita tu.

And bila ditanya diaorang akan jawab, " adatlah bersocial network ". no ! it's not a tradition. kita kan ada adab dengan orang lain. adab bermasyarakat. and more thing, people also said it's their right to express what they think into the social network. no. it's not the right way to express your feelings towards other person. kadang-2 tak semua yang di fikiran kita, kita boleh tulis di social network. people may got offended.

sorry for my a little bit pointless post. :P btw thanks for read my post and do follow me ! thanks again. bye and Assalamualaikum. :) 

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