Fear Factor Malaysia (gambit annoying)


hye assalamualaikum ! harini tak tahu kenape memang aku rajin sangat nak write post kt blog, heee maybe sebab bosan kot. btw i would like to post 'bout fear factor Malaysia. mesti korang perasan jgk kan yang gambit's behavior yg mcm kurang ajar kt other contestants. the truth is his behavior is really annoying ! macam ntah ape-2 je. people said, it's just a game. yes! tp show to dah macam reality show. so what behaviors did they showed in that show, reflect themselves. Gambit is public figure, sepatutnye tunjuk lah sikap yg baik.

btw ni lah effect tgk fear factor. hahaha :D tambah-2 tadi tengok acara main ngan lipas-2 tu. erkkkkkk :3 fact 'bout me, cockroach is my biggest enemy ! tak tahu la sejak bila takut ngan lipas ni. lahir-2 dah takut. i mean, not lahir-2 tu terus menjerit kalau nampak lipas. bila dah besar laaaa.

ok that's all for today ! bye ! assalamualaikum :D

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